Twisty Blog

My first blog post

Yes. It took me many times thinking about it and now I created a blog. So here comes a little bit of text about me, why I am here and anything else that comes into my mind.


I go by the name of Twisty or JustTwisty. I am quite a nerd when it comes to techy topics such as Linux, Android, FOSS, privacy and security. I also like reading and I kind of play video games. Another thing I am interested in is self improvement and the minimalism type of thing. You can find me on Mastodon by the way.

A little backstory

Why exactly am I here? Well, the story begins in ...

I do not remember when it began. Maybe it was late 2022 or early 2023. Whenever it might have been, I enjoy reading a few blogs that I have subscribed to using RSS. One of those blogs is maintained by Kev Quirk and if I recall correctly he once wrote a blog post with the title "Just start a f*cking blog". He described the idea of just doing it and from there on my thoughts about starting my own blog started to hunt me.

Fast forward to a little less than a week ago I checked my RSS feeds and expressed a one sentence thought on Mastodon.

reading blogs makes me want to write blogs but thinking about blogging is different from blogging

Joel who also owns a great blog commented on it and a day later published a post and pretty much gave me the last push I needed.

To sum up I am here to "Just publish something, even if it is bare bones and incomplete, rather than waiting for that spark of inspiration or will, that may never even come."¹

Thank you for reading and have a great day!